Boring for Soil Test

600 Feet Boring at Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP): A Fulfilling Experience

Hello everyone,

I am excited to share my experience working on one of my favorite projects—600 feet boring at the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP). This project holds a special place in my heart because it brought me immense mental satisfaction. Working at CRP, my current company, Vector Design and Solution, has completed several projects, and I had the honor of being in charge of this particular one.

Project Overview

The project commenced on June 3, 2023, and concluded on June 7, 2023. Our task was to perform wash boring at three designated locations within the CRP premises. The largest boring reached a depth of 450 feet, from which we collected a total of 45 soil samples for testing. Additionally, we conducted building surveys to ensure structural integrity and safety.

The Significance of CRP

CRP is an exceptional institution dedicated to the rehabilitation and empowerment of individuals with physical disabilities. The work they do is truly inspiring, and being able to contribute to their mission through this project was a deeply rewarding experience. I highly recommend everyone to visit CRP if they have the chance. Spending time with the residents and witnessing their resilience and determination is both humbling and inspiring.

The Work Process

Starting the Project

On June 3, 2023, our team arrived at CRP to begin the boring process. We set up our equipment and prepared for the task ahead. The first step was to identify the precise locations for the borings, ensuring they were strategically placed to provide valuable data for future construction and development at CRP.

Conducting the Borings

Over the next few days, we conducted wash borings at three different sites within CRP. Each boring required meticulous attention to detail and adherence to safety protocols. The largest boring, at 450 feet, was particularly challenging yet rewarding. We successfully collected 45 soil samples, which were essential for understanding the soil composition and properties at various depths.

Soil Testing and Analysis

The collected samples were sent to our laboratory for detailed analysis. The results would help us make informed decisions regarding foundation design and construction techniques for future projects at CRP. Ensuring the stability and safety of the buildings at CRP is crucial, given the sensitive nature of the facility and its residents.

Mental Satisfaction and Personal Reflection

Working on this project brought me a profound sense of mental satisfaction. The opportunity to contribute to an organization like CRP, which makes such a significant impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities, was incredibly fulfilling. Interacting with the residents and staff at CRP added a personal touch to the project, reminding me of the broader purpose of our work as engineers.

The Beauty of CRP

Aside from the meaningful work, the natural beauty of CRP is worth mentioning. The serene environment and charming landscape provided a peaceful backdrop to our project. It was refreshing to work in such a tranquil setting, and I often found myself taking a moment to appreciate the surroundings.


The 600 feet boring project at CRP was a unique and fulfilling experience. It combined technical challenges with personal satisfaction, making it one of my most cherished projects to date. I am grateful to Vector Design and Solution for the opportunity to lead this project and to CRP for their incredible work and hospitality.

I encourage everyone to visit CRP if they have the chance. Spending time with the residents and experiencing the beauty of the place firsthand is a rewarding experience. Below are some photos from the boring process, capturing moments from this memorable project.

Thank you for reading about my experience. I look forward to sharing more insights and stories from my engineering journey in future posts.

Best regards,

Engineer Aditya Dev

Photo: Boring Setup 1

Photo: Boring Setup 2

Photo : Pipe for Boring process

Photo: Boring Place

Photo: Boring Procedure

Photo: Collected Boring Sample

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you’d like to discuss the project further. Your interest and support are greatly appreciated!